I am an artist with different fields of interest


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Daizua123's News

Posted by Daizua123 - December 31st, 2023

Well, I have survived my first full year without my mother. This year wasn't exactly the best, but at least it was a little better than 2022. I've started seeing a therapist to help cope with my loss, and I think it will be beneficial for me.

This year had some good moments, like seeing Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, Five Nights at Freddy's, and Godzilla: Minus One, as well as Prehistoric Planet 2 and Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, as well as a cruise around Europe, which I won't forget. But there were downs as well as ups. I don't want to go into too much detail, but I faced a brief creative doubt which I overcame with a more solid plan, another friend did something questionable and I am taking a break from them for now, and the writer's strike furloughed me. Although the strike is over, I have yet to resume work for the studio, but I expect it will be soon. I am also facing an animation software crisis which prevents me from doing my work on YouTube, but I am looking for a new computer to solve this since the ones I use are old.

My primary resolution remains to get The Book of Daihnari on its feet. I have more solid plans for it now thanks to a special team I've put together. This coming year, I intend to get the final designs out. I will be showing my team privately for review, and once it's set, I will make them public as I intend for these to be the final designs. I am also going to look for a new computer to do my stuff on, try to get my driver's license, and as of this new year, I am no longer posting NSFW art on public sites.

And since people can't seem to read my rules, I'm going to say this again: I do NOT take requests anymore, and I will also not do roleplays or collaborations. I stopped because the incident affected my creative drive, I wanted to focus on my own content, and one person kept begging me to finish their request while I was grieving, and to add insult to injury, they added more characters to their request than initially agreed to. So now I only do gifts, and only for certain people. So stop nagging me to do a request because you won't get it.

I will be going into 2024 with low expectations, because every time I get my hopes high of the next year being an improvement, I get disappointed. We'll have to see what this year has in store, because I need a can of fresh air.

Posted by Daizua123 - July 26th, 2023

I just returned from my cruise vacation in Europe. It feels good to be back home, and I had a good time there.

Unfortunately, during the trip, I was informed by my studio that I had been furloughed as a result of the writer's strike. This means I will not be working for them for a while but will still be considered an employee. How long this will last, I cannot say at this time, but hopefully not long.

Due to this and some other things that happened during the two-month hiatus, there are going to be a few changes. Starting on August, production will be 50-50. For the time being, smut for The Chronicles of Alayssia: The Book of Daihnari will be postponed in order to figure out the final designs beforehand.

I will be treading far more carefully now.

Posted by Daizua123 - September 9th, 2022

Some good news for once. Both computers have arrived and I have them set up (for today anyway, until we get things more organized and repurposed for my usage), and both are working. However, I am not yet fully ready to resume production. I still need to take some time to heal, but I may be able to go back to work for the studio sometime next week if I feel ready. I am, however, going to create two pictures. One will be a new watermark logo that I will be using from now on to signify Project: Rebirth. The other will be a colored version of the picture of Daizua and his mother that I made yesterday.


Posted by Daizua123 - September 9th, 2022

It’s barely been a week since the tragedy. I’m just slowly picking up the pieces, trying to put my life back together. I am currently in Utah with my grandparents; they will help me heal and figure out where to go from here. I’ve taken a few days off of work, and I’m expecting my computers to arrive some time today. When they do, I’m going to spend time getting set up to resume work and other projects. It will still take some time for me to fully heal, and the scar left may be permanent. I don’t know what will happen from here, but for the sake of my happiness, sacrifices will have to be made.

Posted by Daizua123 - September 4th, 2022

It's been two days since my mother died, and I'm still feeling pretty shitty. The cause of her death has yet to be determined, but since we requested an autopsy, we should hopefully get some answers soon; I don't want to spend the rest of my life not knowing why I suddenly lost her without explanation. I am discussing with my family where to go from here. We are going through her things and will donate most of them and keep some for memoirs. There's a good chance I may have to move again since we may not be able to pay the rent for much longer, and I will likely be going to my family in Utah for a while. This is not final, we're still planning things out, taking baby steps.

On another note, while my projects are on hold and requests are canceled, I am going to prepare my contingency plan for my projects. I won't reveal a lot right now, but I have bought a few sketchbooks to prepare for a major change; for now, I am calling this Project: Rebirth. I've been planning it for the event that something bad would happen and affect my spirit. With this recent tragedy, it will happen a lot sooner than planned. Again, I refuse to reveal more specifics until the time is right, but until then, here is a hint:

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

-Isaiah 43:18-19


Posted by Daizua123 - September 3rd, 2022

I can’t stay quiet about this, but I have the most terrible news… my mother passed away last night. We don’t know what happened yet, but when I came down and saw she wasn’t responding, I called 911, and that was it. We did everything we could. I wish this was a joke, but this is serious, and I am in shock, and so is my stepbrother who had been living with us. Some family members already know this, and a few are coming over today to offer some comfort; I don’t know how to process all of this right now, nor do I know what the future lies in store for me. She was my hero and raised me all my life. She fought the battles for me in my early childhood to understand my autism and to provide the best possible life for me, and I will always cherish everything she did for me. It’s going to be so hard to go on without her…

Because of this unforeseen disaster, I am putting all of my projects on an indefinite hiatus. All requests I take from people are now canceled, and role-plays postponed. I’ve lost the drive to continue them, but it will return eventually. In fact, I’m thinking that soon, it might be time for me to start over. I’m preparing a contingency plan for my art, and I may have to start it sooner than planned, but for now, I need to recover. I will likely spend less time online for a while, making only periodic visits.

RIP, Ashley Dodge. You're the best mother in the world and will always be my hero…

Posted by Daizua123 - August 20th, 2022

Starting today, I will be going on what I call an "end-of-season" hiatus, putting all of my projects on a temporary break. During this time, I will also probably be spending less time on social media. Not just to focus on my job, but to do more personal stuff in my free time, from exercising to some private projects away from social media. I feel this may minimize the stress I am going through. I will still be popping up every once in a while on these breaks, just a little less frequently. This will be a gradual thing developing over time.

Posted by Daizua123 - April 23rd, 2022

I've gotten a few comments about my new work schedule, so I feel I should clear something up before I get more:

The dates I set for my projects are not exactly the release dates. They're simply the days I'm going to spend focusing on those projects. And I'm doing one a day over the course of three weeks, then cycling around and repeating. When a project is finished, I'll replace it with another one I'm interested in.

Hope that clears some things up.

Posted by Daizua123 - April 13th, 2022

Yesterday was my official return to Picture Shop, now Ghost VFX. Today, I have finished setting up and I finally have some shots to work on. It’s difficult to adjust to working from home, but I’m learning how to manage. I’m also going to be pretty packed, I’m going to be working from 9:30 AM to 6 PM until further notice, meaning my free time will once more be strictly limited, so I will have a lot less time than normal to work on my projects. Nevertheless, it feels good to be working in the company again.

On that matter, I have decided to put together a project schedule that I may be able to work with, with a day and whatever free time I have devoted entirely to that assigned project and doing as much as I can. I’m going to strongly emphasize that this schedule is likely to change based on certain circumstances, so don’t expect this to be completely set in stone. On the following days of each week, the following projects will take priority over all other projects.

Sunday - Deinolayssia Hentai, Projects on Other Sites

Monday - New Daizua Hentai, Projects on Other Sites

Tuesday - Projects on Other Sites

Wednesday - Hentai Replacements, Projects on Other Sites

Thursday - Prehistoric Harems, Projects on Other Sites

Friday - Projects on Other Sites

Saturday - Projects on Other Sites

However, my work at Ghost VFX is top priority, over and above all other concerns. Even these projects are secondary. This new project schedule goes into effect as of the coming Sunday.

Posted by Daizua123 - March 6th, 2022

I apologize for the lack of content. My job has been draining time as usual, as well as other projects and life. But I will be posting some content soon. The following are top priority:

-Prehistoric Harem pin-ups - Ice Age is done, Primeval is in progress, and Dinosaur is after that.

-Replacements - Any old images that I deleted but liked will get a proper replacement with the new art skills.

And I'd like to announce that I'm also going to make NSFW pictures of some Daizua characters in their new designs (but not all of them), as well as some of the Deinolayssia cast (I've already selected who). Stay tuned for those.